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Have you ever wondered how notaries make money once they have completed the necessary steps...
Notary training courses for new notaries
Choose this course if you are new or if your commission has expired.
Course for previously commissioned notaries only
Choose this course if you are renewing your commission and it hasn’t expired yet.
The notary’s confidence comes from their comfort with the documents. You’ve scored that all important...
Becoming a notary is an excellent way to expand your professional skills, increase your income,...
Becoming a notary public involves several costs, including course fees, exam charges, supplies, and filing...
For notaries in California, maintaining a proper notary journal is not just a best practice—...
Becoming a notary public is a rewarding and vital role that serves communities and businesses....
Good review & study habits that focus on the correct learning material. Preparing to take...
Becoming a notary public in California is a valuable career move that opens the door...
The demand for mobile notary services in California has grown exponentially inrecent years. As a...
Not always strictly business Providing notarial services is not just about business deals and hand...
Introduction Becoming a notary public in California is a rewarding role that involves witnessing the...
Introduction In today's competitive job market, creating a resume that stands out is essential for...
How your digital presence drives business in the marketplace. Advertising one’s business is a time...
Tapping into that revolving door of new customers. Depending on the industry or transaction, a...
Introduction Notaries play a crucial role in California's legal and business landscapes. They act as...
Introduction Navigating the California Notary Application Process can seem intimidating, but it's actually a well-organized...
Getting documents notarized while experiencing a health emergency can prove challenging. Oftentimes we don’t realize...
Introduction Balancing work and family life is a challenge many moms face. The quest for...
Introduction A notary public is an official appointed by the state to act as an...
California’s detailed official source of laws for notaries public is an invaluable tool. Notaries in...
Introduction A notary public, or simply a notary, is a licensed professional authorized by the...
Introduction Considering a career as a notary public in California opens up a world of...
Loan Packages and Legal Trusts require an extra diligent notary . The signing of any...
Introduction A notary public plays a crucial role in the authentication of legal documents. Their...
Introduction Understanding notary public exams is crucial for anyone looking to become a notary. These...
The schedule of a mobile notaries has its boom and busts. Even though a mobile...
Mobile Notaries help clients make the most of those all important signatures. Many mobile notaries...
Exploring the Significance of Notarization Every year, Americans collectively notarize an astounding 1.25 billion documents,...
Simplifying Notarization Processes When the need arises to have a document notarized, the traditional route...
Accepting an assignment from a signing service can send mobile notaries into the most interesting...
As a Notary Public, your role is pivotal in the realm of legal authentication, serving...
Notarizing documents with multiple signers can present unique challenges, making the process seem overwhelming and...
You arrive at your signing appointment and there is a lot of barking behind the...
That phone ringing could be a new client! Grab a pen! Scheduling notary appointments to...
Would you like to become a notary public in California? Follow this comprehensive guide from Notary...
In California, notaries public are commissioned and appointed by the Secretary of State. Notaries public...
Without a doubt, notary services are always in high demand. Notaries public in California provide...
Notaries public in California play a crucial role in ensuring the validity and authenticity of...
If you’re a legal California resident who wants to become a notary public, you are...
If you’d like to continue working as a California notary you should be aware of...
The idea of Securing and Enabling Commerce Using Remote Electronic Notarization was introduced in 2020....
Notaries public need notary supplies to perform their professional duties on the regular basis. Not...
Becoming a notary public can be a lucrative and rewarding career choice with many benefits....
State-approved California notary classes are essential for individuals needing to know how to become a notary...
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